While all jobs pose health and safety risks to workers, some occupations expose workers more to risks. One example of this is public safety officers. For this reason, certain labor laws allow public safety officers to benefit from presumptions, such as duty belt, that...
Where The Injured
Go To Protect Their Rights
Month: June 2023
Best settlement option for a permanent disability claim
If you get injured on the job, it will not just cause you pain and suffering. It can also disrupt your daily routines. Your difficulties can even escalate when your injury results in a permanent disability. Things may never be the same as your pre-injury life,...
The uphill battle in securing workers comp benefits
The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control revealed that 18% of all 1,176,340 nonfatal work injuries involved slips, trips, and falls, leading to days away from work in 2020. During the same year, more than 196,000 severe injuries caused by contact with...
A common cause of catastrophic injuries at work
Most employers take steps to create safe and secure workplaces for their employees. But no matter how cautious and careful both employers and employees are, workplace accidents still happen. And when they do, the resulting injuries can range from minor bruises to...