A California family is struggling to cope with the consequences of a fatal crash that occurred on a recent Sunday evening. Dealing with personal injury caused by an alleged drunk driver is bad enough, and when three family members lose their lives in one crash, the...
Where The Injured
Go To Protect Their Rights
Month: October 2018
Medical workers often find themselves in need of medical care
People typically go into the medical field because they want to help others live their best lives. Unfortunately, along with the responsibility for the care of other human beings, medical workers often have higher risks of on-the-job injuries than other kinds of...
Workers’ compensation benefits could cover psychological injuries
The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health has strict regulations related to working at heights, and compliance can save many lives. Many workers' compensation claims are filed each year by fall accident victims that were not wearing fall harnesses. A...
Workers’ compensation: Struck-by incident kills steel worker
Occupational hazards exist in all industries, and often the only way to avoid injuries and fatalities is by absolute compliance with safety regulations. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health reported that it is investigating an industrial accident...
Personal injury and wrongful deaths suits might follow I-5 crash
A multi-vehicle accident caused delays on southbound Interstate 5 in Woodland on a recent Thursday afternoon. The aftermath of this fatal crash might lead to a personal injury and a wrongful death claim. Although California Highway Patrol officers say drug or alcohol...