If you have never heard of sick building syndrome, it’s important to know that if the building in which you work is sick, it can make you ill as well. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes sick building syndrome and notes that the occupants of a “sick”...
Where The Injured
Go To Protect Their Rights
Month: October 2021
Protecting yourself against falling objects on the job
Falling objects can quickly make a somewhat safe workplace extremely dangerous. Whether it’s a hammer that has fallen down from scaffolding or materials for roofing that have slid down and made their way past the edge of the roof, these falling objects have the...
Workers’ compensation claims for peace officers and firefighters
Peace officers and firefighters have difficult jobs. They’re often among the public and face real dangers almost every time they go on a shift. They face the risk of auto collisions, aggressive or violent people attacking them, burns from fires and other dangerous...
How can employers reduce electrocution risks?
Electrocution is a risk in almost any job, although it is much more of a threat in some. While electricity can kill you outright, a lesser electric shock could cause an accident that causes injury or death. For example, a minor shock could be enough to make you let go...