Guidelines for appropriate care of injured workers are about to be enhanced in California, hopefully improving the overall quality of care and prescriptions these patients receive.
The California Division of Workers’ Compensation is slated to adopt an evidence-based drug formulary for medical providers treating injured workers starting at the beginning of 2018. It will establish a list of medications for appropriate care, with the emphasis on health outcomes and helping injured workers return to their jobs, as well as reducing administrative costs.
Reducing use of high-risk medications
The DWC compiled the drug list adopted by the formulary and takes into consideration the medications that are frequently prescribed to injured workers. Included in the guidelines are measures designed to prevent the overuse of opioids. While California has one of the lowest death rates in the country when it comes to the opioids crisis, preventing the use of these medications could help keep the rate down.
“The adoption of the drug formulary is a step forward for California’s injured workers and should help address the overuse of high-risk medications such as opioids,” DWC Administrative Director George Parisotto said in a statement. “It is expected to improve patient care and ease approval of appropriate treatment.”
The DWC hosted two webinars for interested parties on December 13 and 14. These webinars focused on the regulatory framework of the formulary and explained the drug list designation rules. For more information on these webinars, contact [email protected].
Improving the standard of care for injured workers seeking workers’ compensation will hopefully ease the stress an injury and the subsequent medical treatment these employees face.