If you are dealing with a serious workplace injury or illness, you may soon realize the impact it will have on your life in the future. Specifically, it may hinder your ability to earn a living, throwing your finances into disarray. But then you realize that you can...
Where The Injured
Go To Protect Their Rights
Firm News
3 most common workplace injuries leading to missed work
Workplace injuries are serious problems that workers shouldn't have to deal with. Employers must take steps to ensure that they are providing safe places for their employees. Because there are some injuries that are more common than others, it is critical that all...
Why is knee pain such a serious issue?
Knee pain while you are working is a serious problem that must be addressed right away. It is never a good idea to ignore the pain because this could allow a minor injury to get worse. Seeking medical care is imperative. Be sure that you report the injury to your...
Understanding the connection between cancer and firefighting
Firefighting is a profession that comes with inherent risks. Firefighters have to put themselves in very dangerous situations so that they can bring others to safety. This is stressful from a psychological perspective, but the nature of firefighting also puts stresses...
How much can you receive for temporary disability benefits?
When you get hurt and you are suddenly unable to continue working, you may not be ready to absorb the loss of your income. An injury won't care that you have a mortgage and other bills to pay. Most people don't have enough money in savings to cover their monthly...
Shoulder injuries are common at various workplaces
When you think of work-related injuries, your mind might turn to back problems. While that is the most common musculoskeletal issue that comes from work, it is far from the only one. Second on the list is shoulder injuries. These can be physically limiting, which can...
Will workers’ compensation cover repetitive stress injuries?
Work-related injuries come in many forms, some more difficult to recognize and diagnose than others. Sometimes, a worker may worry that their injury does not qualify for workers' compensation coverage because it is a cumulative injury and did not occur all at one...
600 truckers die each year due to their career
Truckers keep this country running, but all too often they put their own safety on the back burner in an effort to get the load to the destination quickly. All truckers have risks that they need to think about when they are on the road. The need for safety is also...
Paraprofessionals deserve a safe workplace
In order to function properly and provide students with the learning experience they deserve, schools need a complete team to help the kids. Paraprofessionals are an important part of this team, but they are often overlooked when it comes to the implementation of...
Retail workers face several risks while doing their job duties
Retail workers are the face of the business. They interact with the customers and handle the merchandise. While this might seem like a safe industry, there are some serious risks. Employers need to take steps to ensure that their employees have a safe working...